Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hannah's solo was posted on You Tube

Someone posted a video of Hannah's solo with the Wilson MS Chamber  Orchestra on You Tube.   Try not to get dizzy watching it.  It was taped by a parent from the top of the gym bleachers.  


Hannah got her braces off this past Wednesday & has one more week of  her summer school class, Communication Applications.  She is officially starting her freshman year.

Abbi's Softball team, the Texas Pirettes, will be going to Aurora, CO to play in the Colorado Fireworks Tournament.


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra

Hannah auditioned for the Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra - back in March and was notified recently that she was accepted into the Dallas String Ensemble part of it.  This will start in September and go through the 08-09 school year.   The main orchestra gets to go on an international tour every 3-4 years, so she is hoping she will be able to go in a couple years.  Here's a picture from her final Middle School orchestra concert.   She had a solo and Randy taped it, but I don't know how to post a video.