Sunday, June 1, 2008

Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra

Hannah auditioned for the Greater Dallas Youth Orchestra - back in March and was notified recently that she was accepted into the Dallas String Ensemble part of it.  This will start in September and go through the 08-09 school year.   The main orchestra gets to go on an international tour every 3-4 years, so she is hoping she will be able to go in a couple years.  Here's a picture from her final Middle School orchestra concert.   She had a solo and Randy taped it, but I don't know how to post a video.


Anonymous said...

LOVE THIS!!! -- You are really getting into this posting now -- don't let me down, you gotta keep it up :) I don't know how to post a video either, Kenny does, but he hasn't had time to show me yet. Maybe I'll learn, then can teach you -- way to go Hannah -- love the picture too :)

Anonymous said...

Hey!! Wondering how your first day on the new job was??? Hope it was good :)

Anonymous said...

Hey!! Wondering how your first day on the new job was??? Hope it was good :)