Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bad Blogger

Hi Sheri (I think you are the only one who reads my blog),
Sorry I've been a bad blogger these past couple of months. I won't go into the reasons, but maybe I will get around to it this weekend. Last weekend I started a facebook to reconnect with some High School classmates. We graduated 30 years ago this year, so hopefully we will be having another reunion sometime later in the year. It's been a lot of fun sharing old photos and such. Mary Ann even has a facebook and I plan to scan and send her some old pictures of her and Joe & Joey if I get around to it. Abbi has 3 softball games on Sat as the season is about to get underway. Check out their team website for new pictures.


Mustafa Şenalp said...

Çok güzel site. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! I was just about to write on my blog, Angela, I keep checking your blog and no updates!!! It looks like at least me and Mustafa Senalp read your blog. I am sure many more people too, but I know a lot of people never comment!!!

E-mail me and let me know what's going on. I just got a facebook page so I will add you guys, but I don't get on there much, I try once per day. I still prefer the blog and I can't picture my parents/inlaws getting a facebook page to catch up with me. Thanks for posting for me!!!!

Angela said...

Hi Sheri,
I didn't know I had a friend named Mustafa, and regret I can't read whatever language that is, provided it is something nice he said, perhaps "cool site." LOL

I enjoy the interaction with facebook. It is much easier but I have wasted quite a bit of time this week on it, so I'm sure I'll get over the novelty of it after a while. I found that my church had a network and that opens doors to more friends, so that aspect is really cool.

Anonymous said...

Sheri isn't the only person who gets on your site. I do too! Keep blogging - I enjoy reading about you.